
Giving to our Parishes

If you wish to donate securely on line to our Parishes, please follow the links below:

St Mary Magdalen and St Teresa, Penwortham

St Oswald, Longton


Gift Aid

A Message from the Parish Priests:

The Parish of St Mary Magdalen & St Teresa and the Parish of St Oswald benefit from Gift Aid, a Government-approved scheme to encourage charity donations. The Liverpool Archdiocese is a registered charity, and our parish benefits as part of the Archdiocese. We’re allowed to reclaim the tax that you’ve already paid on the money you donate. Provided you’ve paid enough tax – on your salary, wages, pensions etc – we can reclaim an extra 25p on every £1 you give. This is at no extra cost to you because you’ve already paid tax on it. If you’re not paying tax at the 20% Standard Rate, you need to be sure that your tax for the year covers the refund that your Gift Aided donations will create. We have a Gift Aid organiser for each Parish who treats all information in the strictest confidence.

Gift Aid is an opportunity that shouldn’t be missed. It’s the easiest money the Parish will ever make. In 2023, Gift Aid allowed us to reclaim £12,000. We could add £5000 to that if all our offertory was Gift-Aided. Joining the Gift Aid scheme is the ideal opportunity to help us continue the repair of our Parish finances which were so badly hit in the difficult years after the emergence of Covid19.

How can I join the scheme?

Simply sign a Gift Aid Declaration Form. This will remain current until you inform the Parish Gift Aid Organiser that you are no longer paying tax or that you are leaving the Parish. Our preferred method of donation is by a monthly standing order. Alternatively, you can donate weekly via a numbered envelope.

Interested? Contact either Father Ian or Father Michael. (You can reach them through their respective Parish Offices).

You can also gift-aid your donations for Special Collections: throughout the year, special collections are taken for e.g. CAFOD Family Fast, Priests’ Training Fund, Priests’ Retirement Fund and others. For these charities to gain tax refunds, special envelopes must be used.